Thrasher profile picture


About Me

I just figured I would update this thing since it was a new year. Not much has changed really. Please DO NOT add me if your under 18 unless I already know who you are. Anyhow I moved to Follansbee about 4 months ago? I can't remember. I like it down here, more than I like Wellsville (A town that has nothing to offer anyone!) I'm a pretty laid back person. I rarely get mad or bummed out about stuff. I pretty much brush everything off because I hate being stressed out. I'm an 80's baby which means I like Alot of things from the 80's, Nintendo, the music, movies, and so forth. I like to work out 3-4 times a week, it gets me out of the house. I never realized that there's absolutely nothing to do around here, so I started lifting. As of right now that's me in a nutshell, if you wanna know anything else just ask!!! I'm 24 years young. I work at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. My favorite beer is Miller Lite. My favorite new band is Atreyu. My favorite old band is STYX. I think I have OCD but have never been clinically diagnosed with it. I'm a pretty artistic person. I love to watch movies and listen to music. I HATE freezing cold weather. One word......STEELERS. I once shoved a Q-tip so far in my ear it made me gag. I have a newfound addiction to the OBEY and AFFLICTION clothing line. Other than all of this if you wanna know anything else, just ask!!! My AOL user name is -----> daveythrash02 My E-mail Address is-----> [email protected]