My incredible baby boy Brady! my wife and pups, Food and Beverage, Music, pop-culture, golf, football and the human mind.
Tom Brady, Frank Sinatra, The Bush ancestors and ask why they procreated, Robert Parker, Tiger Woods, Brad Pitt, Beck, Santa Claus, Bill Gates, Matt Damon.I'd also like to meet Angelina Jolie, Alyssa Milano, Jessica Simpson, Kate Beckinsale, and Carmen Elektra... but my wife won't let me! ..
Audioslave, Sinatra, Grateful Dead, RHCP, Gruven Kinder(aka Groovechild... welcome back boys), Zepplin, Chemical Bros., Carter Beauford, Thanks to Gravity, Jerk parade, Velvet Revolver, Mother love bone, Rage, Alice in Chains, Old Aerosmith, Jurassic 5, Tribe called Quest, Strangefolk, Beasties, I know there is a bunch I'm missing, but alas your attention span is diminishing so I'll end here.
Almost Famous, Braveheart, Remember the Titans, Star Wars the septilogy, V for Vendetta, Sin City, The Matrix (how can you not like a movie that ends with Rage Against The Machine and a flying dude?), Just about any movie with Brad Pitt (What can I say, he has some commanding performances and I've got a bit of a straight-guy-man-crush-envy thing going), Golf movies, Big Fish, James Bond, and of course the greatest movie to ever grace celluloid... Fever Pitch!
Boston Legal (Spader is Brilliant), Grey's Anatomy (I blame my wife for that one), Heroes, Sportscenter, Football, old 80's shows like the A-team and Magnum PI
I'm not a big reader, what with the ADHD and all, but I do enjoy Anne Rice and Tom Clancy... Now if only they could combine efforts and write a Government-conspiracy-war novel starring sexy, half naked vampires. Juicy.
Firemen, Anyone with a serious ailment or people overcoming adversity and the people who live with them, Doctors who save lives.Anyone strong enough to follow their dreams and see them to fruition.