Animation, Movies, Snowboarding, Food, Eating Food, Cliff diving, Swimming, Tennis, The Gym, Dark Beer, Jack Daniels, The Ladies, Clubs, Happy Hour
Someone ambitious and creative. I need someone who can bust my chops and not care if I bust them back. Someone who doesn't count carbs and knows a good rack of baby back ribs when she sees them (if you can cook them, even better, I'm culinarily impaired). You have to like to dance when you go out (if you've been on Dance 360 or You Got Served, please send tapes). I don't want you to be able to beat me up, but if you can, I guess I have no choice, just don't beat me up. You shouldn't be able to dunk on me. If it just so happens that you do dunk on me, just understand that I will probably have left the court by the time you return to the floor. Horror movies, like them, just don't behave like them. If you think you can boss me around, you're in! Don't get me a karaoke machine for Christmas.
I'm in my hard rock phase at the moment. But give me some hard core polka any day.
Anything with the Olsen Twins.
Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, Sci Fi Channel, Lost should have its own channel.
How to Pick up Chicks (or anything that will give me pointers)
What, you think I can't save the world?