Gynoslayer profile picture


About Me

Gynoslayer is a conceptual project thought up by Erin Casey to examine popular girl culture of the new century. What she noticed was that the status of women in society was contradictory at best, and tackles an array of issues through some very oddball song mechanics and instrumentation. Adrian Anguiano joined up in the project, and it's been said that Gynoslayer now looks too much like the Eurythmics...those who say that haven't seen them live. Their live shows weird even the most fazed scene hip kids out and they look really cool doing it. One older fan has been quoted as saying "I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Fucking nuts man". That was after their first show, they've only grown weirder still. "And girls grow weirder still", Erin says, "Women are the most beautiful people and the ugliest, the most loved and hated, and yet they are liberated only to go back into submission and silence for security. Remember girls...stupid is not sexy...don't believe the boys and the tv."So I highly encourage you all to see Gynoslayer before you die, they'll make you a better person. -Karen Lavender.Also of note, if any of you guys like dancing/cheering in front of people(like on a stage in a costume) and in the Chicago area lemme know.

My Interests


Member Since: 29/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Erin Casey- guitar, bass, drums, panpipes, organ, vocals, synths, opinions, etc.Adrian Anguiano-accordion, loops, synths, etc.
Influences: Sonic Youth, Maya Deren, Kenneth Anger, Karen Dalton, Salvador Dali, Glenn Branca, kitties, birds, bunnies, Erik Satie, My Bloody Valentine, Chavez, Peaches, Zimmerman's Note, Fragile, Swans, Dolly Parton, Robert Wyatt, Hello I'm Victor, Les Claypool, Dead Milkmen, Courtney Love, L7, Babes In Toyland, Lydia Lunch, B-52's, Margot Tenenbaum, costume jewelry, laughter, fashion, David Bowie, TLC, Madonna, Todd Clickner, Arsonick Scum, Eric Barton, Chopin, Sergei Eisenstein, Bjork, Dereck Blackburn, sunsets, cool pants, much more
Sounds Like: a girl's mindaka fucked up.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Thought Pattern Convulsions-minus the guitar track

this one's a doozy, always fun to play live, my nutty guitar moves are not yet recorded, but this is what it sounds like without it.  It's one you can dance your ass off to. Adrian is responsible...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:33:00 GMT

Look at Me

Yeah, you know you love the bunny picture.  I interviewed Karen Lavender's mom and took some sound clips from that, tried to make some fun noise.  so there.Show the 29th at the Village!be th...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 04:32:00 GMT

Opening the Door to Jean Seberg's Car on a Cold Winter Night

I just got my hands on something where I can record things onto my computer...hurray!My first attempt is this song.  Don't get SAD.If you really want to get sad just look up the life story of thi...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 01:00:00 GMT

Workin' on beats:The Maid

workin on a new song called The Maid.only have some beats down.  no vox yet, but I have the lyrics listed there, all 3 of em, haha.  enjoy all 21 seconds of it!  huzzah!
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:50:00 GMT

New Song List

here's a list of songs to look out for in the coming month or two:Hit the WavesSnow WhiteThe Ballad of Lolita and Tanka RayFlowersI Heard a ClickKaren LavendarThis Song Is Not Art (an ode to Sol Lewit...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:33:00 GMT

new song!(though not quite done) The Kronicles of Kid Kool and the Koopa Komplex Part I

Hurray! Finally a nugget of sound to hear from us!  It's pretty bare bones, I'm still in the process of adding muddy and messy guitar parts and whatever else.  But I think it's a good s...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:22:00 GMT

Gynoslayer was on top of Santa's List!

Woohoo!  Santa is totally supportive of the Gynoslayer brigade as I received a new bass amp combo from Gallien Krueger(I think that's correct spelling) and they make great amps.  Adrian got ...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 16:31:00 GMT

New Peoples

ok, in typing that title I forgot in my brain how to spell "people"  that would be the result of too much minesweeper, but I digress.  I have a new member of Gynoslayer on board!  His n...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 20:04:00 GMT

I know I know I know...

I've been going to shows and am getting amped.  At the same time my frustration is kicking my ass.  MUST RECORD NOW.  I know you all wanna hear it.  I know you do.  But be pat...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:38:00 GMT

Gynoslayer Lives!

Well, I'm still writing stuff.  Be patient.  Songs are on their way.  I may be enlisting the help of my dear buddy Adrian as well as a few others.  We shall see how this all comes ...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 23:11:00 GMT