I believe in a healthy antagonism. Bantering incoherently is a lost art that need not be reserved for drunken discussions with the hand puppet you drew with a marker at the bar cuz none of your friends would meet you for a drink on this particular thursday. I think that you should occassionally be completely shocked. even infrequently horrified, by what comes out of your friend's mouths. Have the courage to be a dick.
I have given up on the adolescent pursuit of trying to pretend I am cool. Luckily I rock out at a fair to moderate pace and I am scheduled to graduate from the old school and kick it partially middle school... yeah biatch.
I believe in loyalty like a puppy dog for all that deserve it. Forgiveness is something that is doled out on an exception basis and though I will give you alot of rope to hang yourself its tough to be unhung.
I am not afraid of strangers. I am gonna be dead in 20-60 years and I'll be damned if I am not gonna share the inane ruminations of my (aggressively) decaying nerons with those poor saps surrounding the dan. I will invade your conversation and personal space at will.
Truthfully I am not scared of much. My biggest fear is trying to fall asleep and regret that I didn't have the courage to try something. I fail alot but I have gotten really good at it.
So strangers... come say hi. Friends back me up and send me retarded little quizes and random thoughts. Oh and cute girls, ask me a question about anything, anything at all ;)