Add to My Profile | More VideosMy name is Jana, I am 27 years old and live in London Ontario with my boyfriend James. We have been together for about 3 years now and are very much in Love. I am so lucky to get to share my life with such a wonderful man xo. James & I met at work almost 4 years ago and became friends the rest just sort of happened.
I dont have any children and neither does James however we are working on it ;) We have 2 pets, a 14 year old Beagle named Bundy (he has cainine epilepsy) and a 12 year old scottish folds cat named Nala who I just finished spraying with the water bottle for removing even more stuffing from the couch. It's bad enough that she has scratched the couch all to crap but now I've been catching her elbow deep in the couch as she removes paws full of stuffing......just lovely....I think she secretly hates me! Or perhaps its not a secret thus the reason she stares me down as she slowly destroys all our furniture. Nala even has her own scratching pad, actually we refer to it as her Cat Condo, it's approximately 5.5 feet tall and has a spiral staircase leading to a giant octagone shaped dome at the top that has windows for her to see out and we've placed it so she can see out side, the entire thing is covered in carpet and cat toys and do you think she will scratch her cat condo....of course not, thats hers she wouldnt want to desroy something of hers she much prefers to destroy our stuff, I have advised her if she continues to scratch the speakers on James' big screen tv I wont be able to save her as he tosses her off our 3rd floor balcony...c'est la vie!I have worked for Hewlett Packard as a technical support Rep for the last 3.5 years and have recently switched carreer paths, I have recently switched to work for Bell Canada, those of you in Canad know perfectly well what Bell Canada is those of you not from Canada....Bell Canada is the largest consumer phone provider in Canada, they provide residential/business phone lines, mobile phone and internet connectivity. I dont have much to say about the job just yet as it's all fairly new to me but so far so good.