Hey! My name is Mark but in high school they called me Markulus. Some people (Stevie!) call me Markulust! It's just a joke. It has nothing to do with reality - if I'm asleep! When you're awake a guy has needs! Doesn't he?
I'm a senior at Clemson and loving every minute! This is a great school! I'll graduate with my BS in May and I'll be going on to grad school.
I'm gay and I love that too! I think I've been gay all my life as a matter of fact. I'm out to my family and I'm very lucky to have their unwavering love.
Terry, aka Baseballjok (and T2 and BBJ) is my boyfriend. But I don't think the term is appropriate because we're way past just being boyfriends. We're approaching our 3rd year anniversary and things just keep getting better. We've lived together for the past 2 years and I love everything about it. Even doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, entertaining, and closing the blinds when that's called for. Terry started my motor in 2006 and it's been redlining ever since!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4