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tiny soy buns biography | there is too much baking to sit here and rise or feed you and feed your mouth so WE are buns because we have had flour soy milk nutmeg salt yeast water oil vegan margarine syrup cinnamon baked into everything we are | so have you | and so has every pastry in the bakery REASONS REASONS MORE where is the taste wanted for people to eat here THUS we are buns forever | we do it with the bakers help and we do it now | TINY SOY BUNS are pastries of taste | the frosting MELTS the melodies baked into our crust | MELT BAKE TASTE we are fronted by a pastry of voice and guitar | carah cinnamon buns and g. chad buns TOGETHER jeremy buns blends synthesis mikey buns cinnamon percussion NO MORE BURNT MUFFINS we are tasty we are treats we are pastries TIME TO EAT k.bye