Born in the Bronx NYC, raised in Boston Mass, been living in Florida for many years....
I love my wife, my great and supportive Family, my "UB" team, and my cool-as-f*ck friends..
CEO for ™ . My duties include Production management, administration, sales, and public relations...
Producing 3D audio-visual multimedia projects with groups of talented people is unique, challenging, and FUN!
Breakbeat, Drum and Bass, Jungle, Hip-Hop, Dub and Hardcore Heavy Metal...............f*ck it all at the same time!!!...
Sociology, economics, anthropology, history, world politics, CNBC, and CSPAN is very interesting to me..... WTF is happening in this world?!?!........Only answer is to create your own righteous destiny.
During the day-time I am a high-end audio-visual Project Manager and Crestron Programmer....Home Theaters, Home Automation, Boardrooms, Theme Park Rides, Nightclubs... INFOCOMM.ORG member
-PEACE-Freddy D!
Price:$12.00 (USD) plus $5 for shipping (Florida add 7% sales tax)