Have you ever seen the small bubbles rising towards the surface of water just before it boils, or the darkness reflected in the rippling waves of the sea before the storm? Seethings means just that, and it describes the music perfectly. Seethings is the calm before the storm, the whisper before the scream, the tremor before the eruption.
Vocalist Lawrence, drummer Simon and guitarist Dennis started playing together in the fall of 1994 in various constellations. In the spring of 1995 they decided to make a stronger effort and put more time into their music. The name of the new band was Forcefeed, and they gigged extensively, finally cementing the right line-up. At the time their aggressive vocals, chugging guitar riffs and anger-laden lyrics put them firmly in the company of bands like Korn and Deftones.
It was when Lawrence landed the job as assistant engineer at producer Daniel Bergstrand’s Dugout Studio, in the bands hometown Uppsala, that the band got their first break. Their first real demo was recorded in Dugout Studios, and because Bergstrand liked their music he put down a lot of free time and energy on the recording, which resulted in an albumquality demo. Before Forcefeed had a chance to shop around for a deal Swedish label WAR Music offered to release it as an EP. The band accepted, hoping that the exposure from the release might lead to a deal with another, bigger label. Unfortunately things didn’t work out as well as they had hoped, and it took a whole year before the EP made its way to the record stores. Problems with record labels is an all too often reaccuring theme in the music business, but sometimes it makes the band that much stronger.
By the time the EP was released the band had matured considerably and wanted to stretch the boundaries of their music. They withdrew for a year to gather strength and write new songs. During this time the band recruited a new guitarist and started walking down a new musical path. While the core of aggression remained from Forcefeed, melody and elegance had been introduced to a greater degree, and the decision was made to start afresh. On New Year’s Eve 2001 the new band was christened Seethings. The years 2001-2002 has seen Seethings play several gigs, including a tour of Switzerland and France without the backing of a record label, launch an official webpage and write and record their debut album.
They started shopping around for a label in late 2002 and finally decided on Italian label Scarlet Records and Switzerland based Division Records. Seethings released their debut album "Parallels" on October 27, 2003. The album was recorded and co-produced by Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, In Flames, Soilwork). Shortly after the release of the album the band went on yet another tour of Switzerland, France in early 2004.
In the spring of 2004 the band went on a hiatus...
Slow Healer
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Seethings - Tonight
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