Catboxer profile picture


About Me

Born in the geographic and spiritual center of the U.S., the year before the bomb. I live in the California desert, but this picture was taken in San Francisco. I've been told I'm opinionated. My political leanings were formed by war, the most wasteful and ludicrous activity humans engage in. My disgust with it only increases with age. War is sometimes (but seldom) necessary, and only in self defense. It's never glorious, glamorous, or romantic. Moral and fiscal corruption are second only to war as a source of loathing. There's plenty to talk about on a political board these days. There's plenty of war and corruption. People sometimes say I'm negative, and they ask me what I'm for. I tell them I'm for the opposite of the things I'm against.

My Blog

Obvious Solutions of the Doh! Kind

If we don't cut our gasoline consumption at least in half over the next five years, we're nuts. And I don't mean figuratively nuts. Here's an interesting'>
Posted by on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 11:26:00 GMT

Ancient Wisdom

The perpetual war has a dual objective. Besides establishing and maintaining an empire and controlling the world's most important resources. The chefs who cooked up this war also aim to keep the citiz...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 08:18:00 GMT

Reservado, Babosita

So here's Laura Ingraham guest-hosting for, I dunno, some potted plant on Fox News, and she's all "What's with Chris Dodd speaking Spanish (during the debate)? Speaking Spanish!" she sneered with a sn...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 20:08:00 GMT

Things Fall Apart

Most marriages don't last forever. For better or for worse, there was a time not so long ago when most did, except those that ended prematurely because somebody died. A recent Associated Press feature...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 19:24:00 GMT