" I will rock your FAAAACE !!!"Hi. I don't like MySpace. I gave it a shot, and I think I lasted about three days shy of how long before I broke up with Friendster.So if you're here because you like my books...[ Why Girls Are Weird
Why Moms Are Weird ]... Thank you. I appreciate it. You can find more of things I've written here .Please come visit me here instead.Don't take it personally. It's not your fault. I'm just a little busy. Oh, and I hate MySpace. That's not your fault, either. Well, except you made me come here. You did. With your incessant MySpace-ing. But that's okay. I'll go back to my old school blog. You kids have fun in here.Hey, I hope you watch Sam I Am this fall. Because that's where I'll be living most of my life for the rest of 2007.