About Me
Hello & welcome to my little bit of myspace!
I play guitar and drums, write songs, absolutley love everything about loads of different music. I like my sport & keeping fit & support Man United with a passion! I have an IQ of 121 (127 now actually) which is apparantly above average. I enjoy watching films, Family Guy & documentaries. I also read a bit on travelling, countries, religion, history, conspiracy theories, dreams and mythology. I love hearing from interesting people so send me a message if you wanna chat...
Here's some Quotes from some of my books...
"Microphone: n an instrument for transforming sound waves into electric signals, esp for transmission, or recording." - The Dictionary
"Birth is suffering; Decay is suffering; Death is suffering; Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief, and despair are suffering; not to get ones desires, is suffering; in short: the Five Groups of Existence are suffering" - The Word of The Buddha
"As revolutions go, the English one lasted an extremely long time - more than a century - from the seond half of the eighteenth century to the second half of the nineteenth." - England Doesn't Exist
"50 - 60% of HIGH, used for poaching and baking." - Tips & Techniques for Microwave Cooking
"Greedy Mongol Temerlane the Great was feared as much by his own men as by his enemies. After one battle, he built pyramids out of a layer upon layer of murdered prisoners' heads. And if anyone dared to tell a joke in his company, they would be instantly killed. He died after a month of gluttony in 1405" - The Worlds Most Infamous Murderers
"Day or night - he wouldn't care. I'd be ready, about to go out and, 'No John, no!' 'No, I'm going to throw you in the pool!' He was a very good guy - well, for a while, and then he sadly left us." - Ringo Starr, Postcards from the Boys
"They had gone into the house while he was lying on the bed in his bedroom. After they stabbed and killed him, they cut off his head." The Holy Bible
"The Chair its just a chair, nothing special. A chair like you might find around a dining room table. An old chair. Legs scratched, probably cats. Seat worn, pattern faded. Just a chair, nothing special. It lies there in the middle of the floor, on its side. Above the chair your egs still twitch as, with your final breath, you suddenly realise you want to live. Too late" - Damien Smethurst, Simply Twisted
"Superficially, at least, the atmosphere was not especially competitive. Brian Jones introduced Jimi Hendrix; Eric Burdon introduced the Who; Paul Simon stuck his neck for the folk singer Beverley and the Writer/ Singer Laura Nyro, two of the festivals least well-received acts." - Dave Marsh, Before I Get Old
"These various mammals were disporting themselves in troops in the quiet, friendly waters." - Twenty Thousand Leauges Under the Sea
"If the pace was hectic, Alison was now planning something more homely, if not exactly peaceful. When Blur's eponymous fifth album had come out that February, John had found he liked it and started playing tracks, especially the later hit single 'Song 2'. Might they consider doing a session now, he wondered, even though they were big stars? He did not know, as Alison did, that Damon would jump at the chance. 'I've got a better idea,' said Alison. 'Why dont we invite them to come play at our house, and make it a special one-off show?' Peel loved the idea. 'And Damon thought all his Christmasses had come at once,'" - The Peel Sessions
"The basis for developing any psychic ability is being able to block out unwanted outside forces or interferences, and concentration on a specific thought, area, or problem. The power of positive thought isn't just the stuff of new-age Gurus." - Psychic Detectives
If you've taken the time to read all that then why not enjoy some of these videos that i Like...