"iF YoU cLiNg tO Ur LiFe, yOu WiLL LoSe iT; BuT iF yOu GiVe uP YoUr LiFe tO mE, yOu WiLL FiNd iT." MaTtHeW 10:39 ..i MaDe dA DeCiSiOn..i DoNt oWn Me.....WHO AM I?? I AM HOP!..**MS.ROCKSTAR!**WELCOME**LAdies n Gents welcome to my domain...a place where all things are possible...a world where everyone, everything,is TRANSFORMING..a place where my Daddy is forming a masterpiece..a place where life is just beginning..where a creation meets its Creator and NOW can begin to discover the purpose for which it was created..I take this space and speak about my Jesus. Without Him there would be no ME nor YOU.This space is to let the world know and understand that I serve a God who has given me purpose,a new life,who has taken all control of me! A space to let you know I am a woman sold out and willing to die for the cause I now live for. Take the time to help you understand I live not for religion but for a relationship. Welcoming you to a place where hope shines as bright as a shooting star and where that shooting star is a precious creation named Mari! I take this space to introduce you to the God that made you special in each n everyway. I want to take this space to tell you that there is someone who loves you, there is someone who yearns for you, there is someone who DIED because of the love He had for you, there is someone who watches over you and sees every tear u cry and hears every prayer. You were made beautiful, precious, and different to anyone else.
When the world thought i was nothing, He revealed to me that to HIM I was EVERYTHING. Take this spot to make the declaration that this person named Mari once considered part of a 'lost' generation has been made part of a 'chosen' generation and it all happened because of ABBA....want to know more?? send me a message..read my BLOGS...and/or visit www.myspace.com/chosengenerationmiami...the day u meet your Creator...trust u will NEVER be the same!! The way I see it...what have you got to lose!! XxoxoWhile your friends look at you and see you as the pillar, you are slowly killing yourself and surely dying...they don't even have a clue but there is someone who does...and He is simply waiting........waiting on you to make the decision that will change the rest of your life...it changed mine...AND I LIVE HAPPILY EVER, EVER AFTER!!"YOU WILL SHOW ME THE WAY OF LIFE, GRANTING ME THE JOY OF YOUR PRESENCE AND THE PLEASURES OF LIVING WITH YOU FOREVER!...."DANCE IS MY LOVE, PASSION, MY HEART!
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