boggsmurph profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

- Im Jonathan,
- I bmx
- I have friends
- They are just something you wouldnt understand
- In fact many of my friends say i have to many friends
- I have a nice bike
- So dont be upset if i chose it over you, its probably got a nicer rack and rims anyway
- My friends think of me as a gorilla
- My room is the cave for beast
- I have an awesome girlfriend named alex
- Yes ladies what i said above means im taken
- I have AIM and im on it frequently
- I have 2 screen names
- I am on the both the same
- Ask me if you want to know
- Im a very funny person
- Or so ive been told this
- I can be your bes friend or your worst nightmare
- You can decide this on your own
- I can give you advice when needed
- I am very easy to get along with, if i like you.
- No matter what anyone tells you
- I am actually very intelligent
- My parents say it is scary intelligent
- And no i dont show my intelligence at all
- im probably one of the sweetest people you will ever meet
- so if you choose to stalk me
- dont be offeneded when i turn around and introduce myself to you
- i enjoy the

rocketmanduhlexfen combo

- so know that you know me
- tell me something about yourself

My Interests

Alexandria Lynnette

What to say about her...
She weird,
Thinks im gay,
Makes fun of me way to much,
But i wouldnt have it any other way,
She makes me smile,
Maybe a little to much...
But i still wouldnt have it any other way,
As of now we are brushing up with starting fresh,
So for those of you who ask,
Yes we are back together,
And i wouldnt have it any other way.
I love her with everything in me,
No one can compare to what we have,
And no one ever will.
June 1,2007♥
Forever Baby.


I'd like to meet:



this guy