BrittanyNicoleSnyder is my namee<3 My special day is AugustEighth..i dont ask for much on that day but if your willing to buy me shit then be my guest. I'm Pretty Solid.. Very Judgemental..a bit cocky at times..totally missunderstood..i talk way more than i should.. Im a major bitch when you piss me off..but i can be your friend if you let me be..I'm single and heartbroken so i doubt i'm looking for anyone at the moment. Im Bisexual. I adore Thunderstorms and Rainy days.. i have the best friends..i despise the Jonas brothers, ewh... and my hero is my momma and my brother. Well dont be shy.. Talk to me or get the hell off my pagee.. P e a c e e(:
A.DrewPhipps: Wow!! I dont know where to even begin with youu!! You are like the nicest, most sweetest and caring person i know. Words cant even bein to describe how i feel about you. Even though we broke up and arent together anymore, (sadly), i still love you and have very strong feelings for you. It seems no matter how hard i try to forget about you, i just cant. Whenever i think about you or talk to you i always seem to find myself smiling. You make me so happy!!! Even though when you broke up with me, it kinda like broke my heart...and even though you have broken abunch of promises too..i still found it in my heart to forgive you because there is no way in the world that i could ever stay mad at you. I dont know what i would do if you werent in my life at all...i couldnt live with myself... well i love you drew and no matter what happens, i always will!!! x3x3x3x3
C.JustinLivengood: This boy right here is pretty great:] We aren't going out anymore but he is a really great fuckin friend:> I would do anything for him if he asked me too...i dont wanna loose him even more than i already really glad me ad him are friends now though. i love you soo much justin. x3x3x3x3
Okay So This Is Smiley. Froggy I Just Want You Too Know That You Are My True Bestfriend. We Have Known Each Other Since We Were Seven Or Eight. We Have Been Through Thick And Thin But We Always Made It Through Bestfriends. You Have Changed My Life Just By Knowing You For One Day. I Hate Seeing You Sadd And Crying. It Makes Me Want To Cry With You. I Completly Love You And Your Family. There Are Life A Second Family To Me(: Haha. Andd I Love Seeing You At Bowman grey Because We Cann Do Whateverr And Still Not Get In Trouble. And You Always MAke Things Better And Easier For Me(: I Just Want You Too Know That Without You My Life Wouldnt Be As Good As It Is Today(: Thanks For Being Here For Me(: iLoveYouFroggy(:
AbigailNoelleAtkins: I absolutely adore this girl. We have had our share of fights but in the end we always come out best friends. She is Such a great person to be around and whenever she's around me, she makes me soo happy(: iLoveHer. No matter what i will always be there for her. She always knows how to make me smile and she always cheers me up when im sad. We are always getting on each others nerves but thats just who we are. Well..noelle if your reading thiss.....I FUCKIN LOVE YOUR ASS!!! x3x3x3
RobinRangel..aka:PIGLET(: Gahh, I don't even know where to start with this girl!! But let me just say that she is the greatest person ever!! i love her to death..she is the cheese to my macoroniee! i would kill someone over this girl so dont fuck with her unless you wanna be dealin with me! This girl has always been there for me and i will always be there for her. we have been friends since 7th grade! we have never got in not one fight and i can always count on her to keep my secrets and be there for me! i will always love her, but she has one flaw...She has a big prob. wth PAYING HER CHILD SUPPORT!!! i mean damn! lol. good times. haha. well i dont wanna over type it even though i could sit her all day and brag about how good of a friend she robin i just wanna say....IFUCKINGLOVEYOU PIGLETT<3<3<3
i carved your name in the bullet;
so people would know that you were the last thing going through my head..♥ Myspace Layouts