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phone # 443 992 7276
e-mail - [email protected]
International People's
Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) is a mass organization under the
leadership of the African working class. InPDUM was created to be a democratic
rights organization in the forefront for the political, economic and social
self-determination of African people
We are convinced that African working class and poor people can transform the
conditions in our communities so that black people everywhere can benefit from
their own labor, create businesses that provide stability and resources for our
neighborhoods and provide quality education for our children that will teach
them about their proud history so that they can know what they are capable of
InPDUM 12 Point Platform
1. We demand national democratic rights and self determination for African people in the U.S.2. We demand community control of police in the African community and the immediate withdrawal of the terroristic police and U.S. military forces from the African community.3. We demand community control of schools and mandatory African history in schools.4. We demand African community control of health care.5. We demand African community of housing.6. We demand the removal of parasitic merchants and slumlords from our communities.7. We demand an end to the colonial court and prison systems which have the majority of African men incarcerated, on probation or parole, and the immediate release of all political prisoners and prisoners of war.8. We demand and end to the theft, kidnapping, sale, abuse and removal of African children from their communities under the genocidal foster care system.9. We demand an end to the political and social oppression and economic exploitation of African women.10. We demand reparations for African people.11. We demand a United Nations supervised plebiscite to determine of the African community in the U.S. as to their national destiny.12. We demand an end to the political economy of the counterinsurgency: the parasitic relationship that benefits the white population with billions of dollars for jobs, resources, and a stabilized economy off of the U.S. counterinsurgency against African people in the U.S.