MelRose™ profile picture


I have lived and I have learned

About Me

I have 2 jobs, spend most of my time watching movies (I love to escape reality), hate being home, go to school, love to travel!!!! seen so many places (laughlin, boston, hartford, n.y., oregon, tn, ky, az, vegas, dallas, and so many more), i'm the happiest when i'm seeing the world- i'd rather spend my money traveling than the newest fashions or things, i love animals, love san diego!, tv is great, fast food junkie, soup & salad are delicious, friends are great -couldn't live w/o them, i love taking pictures of friends and places (are memories fade but pics last forever), roadtrips are the best, i can't seem to quit my 1st job, my 1st car was amazing (91mazda626), i like tats, i love to change my appearance, own 1 pair of jeans, love my band shirts, i'm cheap when it comes to things i really need, walmart, cherry coke is the best, wouldn't change my past at all, idk i'm pretty boring!Which Batman Villain Are You?

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My Interests

Traveling, Photography, Movies, Music, Concerts

I'd like to meet:

Anyone. I hate being alone and I love to talk!MY TOP 7 HOT GUYS1. Jason Vena (singer of Acceptance) 2. Tom Welling 3. Orlando Bloom 4. Hayden Christensen5. Channing Tatum6. James Marsden7. James McAvoy
James McAvoy


noise ratchet, switchfoot, the rocket summer, acceptance, kenna, death on wednesday, nsync, outkast, letter kills, the postal service, saosin, ima robot, the faint, radiohead, the cure, fiction plane, linkin park, sleeping at last, murder city devils, underoath, mae, mewithoutyou, beauty school dropouts, my robot friend, the kinison, please mr. gravedigger, pistolita, the colour, boyz 2 men, dr. dre, missy elliot, cursor, blueprint car crash, peaches, modest mouse, franz ferdinand, name taken, thursday, thrice, coheed and cambria, the lyndsay diaries, tora tora torrance, the beautiful mistake, the sounds, rooney, palo alto, cooper temple clause, crash test dummies, moving units, the bravery, the life, fisherspooner, bright eyes, since by man, juanes, the game, 50 cent, emery, alexisonfire, outkast, garth brooks, percy sledge, kelly clarkson, pink, hairspray soundtrack, marc anthony, there's just too many to list. .. ..


Lots of movies....too many to list...Hotel Rhwanda, Costant Gardner, The Pianist, The Goonies, Now and Then, Home Alone, Fried Green Tomatoes, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars, Stand by Me, Life as a House, A Walk to Remember, she's the man, The Departed,Psycho, The Birds, Idlewild, Virgin Suicides,Casino Royale,300, Hairspray, Transformers, Live Free or Die Hard, Gone Baby Gone, Lars and the Real Girl, This Christmas, Enchanted, American Gangster, The Great Debaters, Rambo, Atonement, The Bank Job Too Many To List!!Flixster - Share MoviesFlixster - Share Movies


Too may favs!!! The L Word, I Love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show, Leave it to Beaver, Gilmore Girls, Lost, Law & Order:SVU, House, Medium, Roswell, America's Best Dance CrewWhat is Your Fate on Lost?

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Any James Patterson book- Kiss The Girls, Along Came A Spider. The Kite Runner, A Walk To Remember, Tuck Everlasting, danielle steel's the gift, Farenheit 451, Atonement


GOD, people usually let u down

My Blog

old times- miss them

I miss the old days, working @ the theater w/ all the homies. The going to school, working 5 days then taking the 2 days to go on a roadtrip. Following bands, san diego 4 a show.  good times- kar...
Posted by MelRose™ on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:01:00 PST

life is weird right now

So life is kinda weird right now.  been going out some more but I haven't been on a trip since summer!  I need to get out of the house and go somewhere new, thats close.  Anyone down?...
Posted by MelRose™ on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:01:00 PST

i’m tired

So trying to balance 3 jobs and school is pretty difficult.  my last day at penneys is the 24th but i start school full-time right after.  i'm only taking 1 summer class now and i'm worn out...
Posted by MelRose™ on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:53:00 PST

in tennessee!!!!!

So I'm still here, been here since Tuesday.  It's pretty fun.  Being stress free is the best part.  It's very green here and all the buildings are brick.  Once you get past that it...
Posted by MelRose™ on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:17:00 PST

life is going good

So life is going pretty good these days.  I thought things would be worse.  My friends are amazing people!! 
Posted by MelRose™ on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:32:00 PST

panic @ the disco- arizona

Well technically it's an hour ahead here.  Got back a little while ago from the show.  It was really good, ppl have to go see them live. They sound great and the performance is great.  ...
Posted by MelRose™ on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 10:41:00 PST

off to phoenix, az

so i'm leaving for phoenix in an hour.  I'll be gone till 2mro.  Going to see panic at the disco, better be a good show. See everyone when i get back!!!...
Posted by MelRose™ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:16:00 PST

In San Diego

I'm in San Diego right now, just got to the hotel!  Boy, I have so many classes to take if I go to SDSU.  It's insane!!! When I make it out though, it'll be a huge accomplishment.  Bonu...
Posted by MelRose™ on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 06:13:00 PST


So I just go back from my trip to Hartford, N.Y. and Boston.  It was alot of fun, ate pizza the whole trip.  Went to Hartford first, stayed at a hostel(my first time ever). The cab driver sc...
Posted by MelRose™ on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:10:00 PST


so I had to make a tough decision yesterday and i picked san diego.  I really wanted to go to san fran but it's just so far away. ...
Posted by MelRose™ on Tue, 02 May 2006 03:45:00 PST