cHatting (most of the time..eheheehe),
surfin d net, malling, hangout with
friend's house, texting, watching tv,
listening to radio and CD's, playing
billiards, playin "THE SIMS"
and last but not the least strolling
using my scooter!
I'd like To meet...???
anybody.....friendsters, hipstirs,
berkzters, my space and hi5
(my [email protected])
second account at friendster:
[email protected]
LOTR, d' gRuDgE, d' RiNg,
a WaLk tO ReMeMbEr, LiZzIe mC GuIrE,
wEdDiNg pLaNnEr, mY BeSt FrIeNd'S wEdDiNg,
mAiD iN MaNhAtTan....lots
cHaRmEd, sMaLLviLLe, mTv, pUnK'd....lots
hArRy pOtTeR 1-4, pRiNcEsS dIaRiEs, tExT tHoTs (aside from those books, im more into magazines..)