tia profile picture


carrollton is really at the center of it all.

About Me

I am awesome.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

some really wonderful people to buy the house next to mine. i deserve really good neighbors.


willie nelson and stevie wonder


Mark and I just watched the pursuit of happiness it was difficult to watch. after the movie i felt this amazing relief when i remembered we have credit cards.


I go to my moms to watch t.v. but it's pretty dull durring the day. I watch a lot of hgtv and my mom and i make fun of bad design choices. give ME a thousand dollars and see what i'd do. Last week i watched a two hour movie about this woman that has a bad day that ends in this weird road rage car chase and it was called road rage. It was a two hour movie about a woman having a really bad day. and i watched it.


Having a lot of books on your shelves makes you look smart, sure, but be careful when selecting titles for display. Hide the romance novels that you're realy reading, and focus on obscure esoteric pieces. right now i'm reading: seeing and mommy i need to potty and a book about teenaged pirate girls. and i might start reading another book just to see if i can screw up my memory any more!


Quinn because he kissed me for no reason.

My Blog

"cool working-class thing"

There was an article featured on MSN this morning about the droves of teenagers leaving myspace for facebook. "Affluent kids from educated, well-to-do families have been fleeing MySpace for...
Posted by tia on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:57:00 PST


Three blood samples, one urine sample, a chest x-ray, 2 ivs and a ct scan. after 6 hours in the er the doctor gave me a prescription for toradal and told me i'm fine. Now i can't decide whet...
Posted by tia on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:44:00 PST

the next 12 months

I have been vacillating on whether or not to write this blog. I have a terrible habit of flippantly mentioning my autoimmune disease, which leads to exhausting daily explanations.  I dont mind ta...
Posted by tia on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 11:25:00 PST


No really! There are like 8445 Tias on myspace. I mean what is that? I only have one account!
Posted by tia on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:16:00 PST