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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey there! My name is Michelangelo. I am nine years old and live in New Jersey with my mother, Linda. She took me in when I had a not so stable living environment. For the first 2 years of my life I bounced around from home to home. I finally ended up living with a nice boy named Michael. He got sick of taking care of me after awhile, though, so he gave me up to his friend, my mommy, Linda. She is the best mother a turtle like me could ask for. Sure, I need a new tank, a new filter, and a lamp, but she's saving her money for all that. I have lived with Linda for around 8 years now. She feeds me shrimp, turkey, lettuce, chicken, tomatoes, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, and yucky turtle vitamins and pellet food. I know she just loves me and wants me to be healthy. I hate it when she gives me baths, but I stay still long enough for her to finish polishing my shell. I don't really have any other turtle friends because turtles are illegal in the state of New Jersey. It's okay though, I have Linda to keep me company.
I like to go exploring and one day while I was in the back yard walking around, my grandma Maria was doing something so I snuck away, hopped over the ledge, crawled under the fence, and went to visit my neighbor, Maryann and play with her fake plastic animals. My grandma and aunt were looking everywhere for me and Christina found me in Maryann's yard. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. They have to learn not to worry so much about me, I'm a big boy.
Thanks for visiting my page! Come again soon! PS--I love making new friends.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my brothers and sisters

My Blog

new new new model

It's getting cold outside.  I miss basking in the sun :(  Now I must go hibernate until the sun comes up again.  I miss my mommy.  I only see her on weekends.  I'm depressed.&...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 20:57:00 GMT