and profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

travel is good, morning night..

now why I am I here.. to hopefully keep close with some wicked people I've met along the way


"a happy man cannot be ruled"

Travel snippet

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can't see the real future, the answer to the question
Is this just a dream, it'd seem, my mind failed to mention

My Interests

Ice Hockey, Travel, working out, Volleyball, good dinner/wine and conversation, provocative books, love music, of course movies, and basically anything involving a little adrenaline


Snow Patrol, Jets to Brazil, Rise Against, Billy Talent, The Strokes, Dave Mathews, Incubus, Portishead, Mat kearney, Fall out boy, Panic!, Live Jazz, Mathew Good, 30 seconds to Mars, Alkaline Trio, Abandoned Pools, the Killers


simply love movies... no commercials to give me ADD.. just enjoy too many to list all favorites. From Fight Club to wedding crashers to Schindlers List/Saving Private Ryan.


I'm the guy stuck in the book on the tube.. and yes, it's probably because you smell, you're sneezing/coughing, or picking your nose while reading the latest biz news. Filth.



My Blog

the sum of the universe

I went to starbucks today and they had no coffee. "I can make you an americano instead?":)
Posted by and on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:37:00 PST

This is IT!! your last chance!

For what?? well.. the ultimate in backstage passes... a KEY to my brain, the odd completely bizarre depths that it (shouldn't!) holds.. and at what price??well, I share too much publicly I've decided....
Posted by and on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 06:33:00 PST

answering the paddies

Last night went to the billy talent concert... these guys are simply incredible live. They really know how to drive the crowd nuts.NEVER miss a chance to see these guys live.Anyways, I'm restless.. so...
Posted by and on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:54:00 PST


if all i had was a 10 cents..  I'd throw one at a passerby for shits n giggles. I'd spend 5 on a fellow homeless dude to give me a haircut with any of the commonly found alleyway items.  I'd...
Posted by and on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:04:00 PST

I've got a cabbage just for you

Did you know that the most common way for an elephant to die is starvation? That's right, they can have all the food in the world around them, and they'll drop dead with an empty stomach. (no, don't e...
Posted by and on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:37:00 PST

9,600+ miles.. all in a Canadian dingy

Here I am somewhere in the middle of the runways at LAX (Cali) airport.. I've got a few hours to kill before the longest flight of my life. 15 Hours. So to wait, Qantas took me to their lounge.. only ...
Posted by and on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 06:47:00 PST

quick distraction, partial ode to h-bomb

"i like being hungry, in fact i love it.. food is such a consistent pleasure, and done well.. it can have the perfect satiation.. it'd be a wonder if all such desires in life could be met so completel...
Posted by and on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:24:00 PST

do the tateL!!

AWOL doesn't even cut it.. I've kinda ditched out on the online world.. weird eh?----=-0-=-   -[ ]>__/_|__----ahaha, that's all my creative instincts have got for you tonight, don't cry from...
Posted by and on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:59:00 PST

the real juicy truth (roast taties kick your ass)

So far, it has been an amazing thanksgiving :) The poor turkey got what was coming, and my tummy is extremely appreciative of the sacrifice! --- Now.. it has come to my attention that it might be ap...
Posted by and on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 09:07:00 PST

V&B and why I'm MISSING

For the next 5 days.. I'm gone. I shall no longer be subscribing to the western world.. as a matter of fact, I will be drowning myself in Vodka.. why?Well, from what I've heard that's all they have to...
Posted by and on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:13:00 PST