Myspace Layouts at / Morbid dawn
Myspace Layouts at / Morbid dawn
SniCkers.. LaTTe.. Good MuSiC.. anYTHin Fun..
ReaL peopLe.. and reaL sTuFFz 'bouT TheM..pEopLe ThaT haS broken The deep abySs oF The convenTionaL mindseT oF sociaL shiTs.. somEone ThaT haS someThin To saY.. morE abouT LiFe.. [email protected]
[ALTernaTive] and [eMo]: sPLender.. ToniC.. aLL aMerican ReJecTs.. 3Doors Down.. CheveLLe.. The CaLLing.. CoLd pLaY.. MicHeLLe BranCH.. Our Lady.. MarooN5.. Tracey.. pinK.. linKin ParK.. waLLFLowerS.. NickeLbaCk.. Head RusH.. juLiana TheorY.. HaLe.. GreeN daY.. moSeiC..
GLadiaTor.. WiT.. aLmosT Famous.. moTorcYCLe DiariEz.. JoHn Q.. Finding ForresTer.. CrueL inTenTionS.. SpiriTed AwaY.. WHiTe HousE.. gOSsIp.. Y Tu Mama Tambien..
sKy newS.. cnn.. discovery.. axn.. HBO.. [QueEr aS FoLk]..
The aLcHemiST.. anGeLs and Demons.. The CrimSon PeTaL and The wHiTe.. The CaTcHer in The Rye.. DiarY.. FLowers in The sKuLL.. da vinCi Code.. Lion in The nexT rooM..
ErnESTo "ChE" GuEvarra deLa Serna