Mother, friend, sister, dreams, music,music, music,night owl,flowers, fresh baked bread, coffee, books, the ocean, rivers
LIFE IS......
Life is a it
Life is a dream......dream it
Life is a it
Life is a song......sing it
Life is it
Life is a goal......achieve it
Life is duty......perform it
Life is sacrifice......offer it
Life is joy......enjoy it
"Truth, like surgery, may hurt, but it cures"
A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "universe" a part limited in time and space.
"Now I will believe there are unicorns"
William Shakespeare
"Escribo, que la memoria es fragil y el transcurso de una vida es muy breve y sucede todo tan de prisa, que no alcanzamos a ver la relacion entre los acontecimientos, no podemos medir la consecuencia de los actos, creemos en la ficcion del tiempo, en el presente, el pasado y el futuro, pero puede ser tambien que todo ocurre simultaneamente, en el espacio de los espiritus de todas la epocas"
Isabel Allende
"House of Spirits"
Family and friends-the true measure of what one posesses
Laughter-the medicine for the daily challenges and dissapointments
Thirst for knowledge-the measure of one's strengths
Love-the most precious commodity and the least abundant
All that you need is just to be silent and listen to existence, there is no need of any priesthood, there is no need os any organization. The devotee who is faithful to the Divine Name who is His Lord recognizes is Beloved in every Beloved and in every Divine Name.
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