"Do not seek for the truth by means of men; find first the truth and then you will recognize those who follow it."
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib
Who is the Dynamic Hamza 21?
Is that a simple query or monumental question? Well, one can say I am a DJ but that simple answer explains alot and yet leaves alot that is unexplained. One could say I'm Hip Hop blogger but that too leaves alot unexplained. The history, my history, goes deeper than that but I won't go into much detail about that here. I will say I have been DJ for over 23 years. Started with Hip Hop added some Latin Freestyle to my répertoire when the Inland Empire Party crew scene starting jumping off in 1986 and then when the scene turned to House music returned home to Hip Hop.
One thing to note as well I am Sunni Muslim and have been for 17 years. As most Muslims of 90's I started off with no official school of Islamic thought/law ( Madhhab ) but now I follow (mostly) the Maliki and sometimes Hanafi Madhaahib.
As of 2006 I started blogging and writing for my own site ( Domeshots And Fat Laces ) and this year another site called East of La .
Due to the works of writers Adisa Banjoko , Jefferson "Chairman" Mao and Yahsmin Mayaan Binti Bobo I'm seriously considering becoming a professional writer. Something I never would a have thought about until recently.
For now this what you need to know about me if you're want to know more drop me a message or a comment.
Peace,Blessings & Prosperity