OK, who am I?I would LIKE to say that I'm a simple man, with simple needs, but then I would be lying =/In order to tell you about who I am, I feel like I have to tell you where i come from. Because you dont know anything about Sweden. Am I right? =)I come from a small city (aprox:50 000)
and frankly there Isnt shit to do around here.
It's winter 7-8 months of the year and when i say winter,
I mean winter with temperatures down to -30 degrees Celsius.
I spend most of my time in that period of the year indoors, since I hate skiing and find every activity in the snow silly.
Dont get me wrong and think that I'm just making an excuse for beeing a couch potato. There's plenty of activities in the cosy indoors to! wouldn't you say?
such as: Watch a movie, Hang with the "Homies", Get cozy with a loved one or just Work out at the gym.
I dont know about you, but I'd take any of those things as long as I dont have to go and act like a fool in the snow.
To make a long story short, Snow is overrated!
The Summers however can be real nice. Who DOESENT like the summer? :S
It's just too bad that the summers around here are so short, theres barely enough time to get a sunburn but hey, thats what solariums are for right?What can I say, I was born here and I've learned to love it, even if I sometimes feel like It's the place that I love to hate.My real Passion though is Film or if you want Movies.
I've seen enough movies in my days to consider myself somewhat of a "Movieprofessional" cute title right? i came up with it myself.
Now you're probably thinking this guy is too self-righteous. If youre doubting me I invite you to put me to the test I always have time to discus Film.
My dream. Even if I dont like the term since dreams arent real, is to work as a Director, I really cant se myself working with anything else in the future and if faith doesent have anything else planned for me, thats what I'll do.what I wish to achieve with myspace, is to find people from all over the world thats just as f*cked up as i am, but you dont have to be to give me a holler.This is my window to the outside world and I tell ya.
The view is looking Great so far.//JceS
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