Synergy TV is the callaloo of Caribbean culture. For decades, the people of Trinidad and Tobago were subjected to foreign programming by the two existing television stations, but finally in 2003, a revolution occurred… The longstanding dream of former Xtatik vocalist, Peter C Lewis was brought to reality when Synergy TV stormed the small screen on Cable Channel 28 in March. At last, local and regional artistes and musicians could showcase their talents on the most influential medium available. Finally, we are able to see ourselves at work, at play and at the highest manifestations of our creativity…The seeds of Caribbean culture are being planted on Synergy TV every minute of every day and the next generation will reap the benefits of experiencing the images, words and songs of our people. Since its inception, Synergy TV has embraced all races, cultures and music genres within the Caribbean Diaspora; stretching across the seas that separate the islands of the Caribbean archipelago and even reaching out to our relatives on the US mainland via the CIN (Caribbean International Network) in New York. Needless to say, the response from the public has been phenomenal! Whilst striving to improve quality and become even more inclusive of regional cultures, Synergy TV has already found favor with the people… And the people have spoken: knighting Synergy TV as the number one station for Caribbean vibrations.Join us, even as we forge deeper into ourselves; fulfilling our mission and mantra…Synergy TV: Bringing Cultures TogetherCHECK OUT THE NEW SYNERGYTV.NET - LOG ON TO: