Hello there my name is Tommy and or Tom.
I am quite a chill and relaxed and introverted person to say the least.
I am a drum player and enthusiast although i wouldnt go as far as to say a full fledged musician.
I try to have a positive outlook life. Try being the keyword there.
I am flawed like all people so accept them or dont. That choice is up to you. What i greatly dislike about myspace is how everyone tries so hard to paint an insanely pretty picture of themselves that everyone will like. Accept yourself. Just be yourself, is all i can say.
Do not add me if you have zero intention of actually talking to me. So lets be friends.
I am currently working at a hospital which has been teaching me new ways every day how to appreciate life and understand how easily it can be missed and taken for granted. Life is much to short to waste on things and bullshit that don't actually matter.