I've lived in Portland, OR since around 1994. Before that I lived in a 1970 International Air Force bus around the California coast. Before that I lived in Austin, TX, and before that in Santa Cruz CA. I enjoy a change of scenery.I'm a chiropractor who practices Applied Kinesiology. I muscle test people for what adjustments they need, what acupucture meridians need stimulating, and what vitamins and minerals they are deficient in. I've been studying AK for a few years and it has changed so much about how I approach a person. I have a lovely practice and I have a great time working on the most facinating people.I'm taking bass lessons again and it is awesome. Don Corey is my teacher, I highly recommend him. I'm working on jazz chord structure and walking bass lines. I have to go practice now.
I now play bass with my friend Shane DeLeon in his ongoing project Miss Massive Snowflake! I love Shane's songs, he lets me sing with him too which makes me very happy...
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Evan and Jeanne from Miss Massive Snowflake jamming to "Level"