About Me
For over two decades I have spent much of my time not only being interested in but uncovering the macabre, arcane, unorthodox, bizarre, unusual, recondite and especially classified information kept out of the mainstream. In 1998 I started an organization called SOT (Surveyors of Truth) where several colleagues and I exchanged white paper on everything from spontaneous human combustion to military remote viewing. The results were phenomenal. Every member gained more insight during that period of time than all the formal schooling they received prior to advanced education.In the past much of my mindset, behavior and actions had been on self. Now, instead of being about serving self (serve-us) I am focusing on serving others, (service).
This is the year of awakening and there is so much I have to give to awaken the masses. Please give yourself the gift of open-mindedness and research the following in Google: novus ordo seclorum, codex alimentarius, monsanto truths, PATRIOT act, concentration camps, underground bases, depopulation, hollow earth, black pope, project destiny, remote viewing, spherical geometry, Mayan calendar, year 2012, Nibiru, NASA lies, procession earth, harmonic convergence, Disclosure project, EBE's, star kids and wayshowers.History Channel is one to watch. Watch it! They are one of the few stations broadcasting the truth.If you are a skeptic do not believe me just survey the truth and discover it for yourself. "They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth,
rather than truth as the authority" -G. Massey