Does anyone else think that this whole "About Me" category is a bit too broad? Or do I just have way too hard of a time summarizing anything for this category to be productive...selah. Anyway, I currently 25 years old,I know, pretty old, right? My life started out in Moore,Oklahoma, then moved to Spring,Texas, then to Wagoner, Oklahoma, and now in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Thus, I have lived in several uneventful places; however, I have traveled to several different countries, and plan to spend the rest of my life traveling.I am married to the wonderful Ryan, an adventure in itself. We just had a baby named Thomas who is more perfect than I could ever imagine!I teach in the elementary at a Christian school, and I thoroughly enjoy that! Ryan and I are also youth pastors at our church, which never gives a dull moment. First and foremost though, I love Jesus with every bit of my being, and I want to do nothing more with my life than serve Him faithfully. Also, I like a good Starbucks drink as much as the next girl...well, maybe a little more than the next girl. I've decided that laughing with a good group of friends is pretty much my favorite thing to do. If you make me laugh, watch out, I will probably latch onto you for life...just kiddin'.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!