Fabiola profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

danceuse/modelpictures made by FRANCK ...


DJ MASSAY......I AM, NTM,kenny arkana,siper . CASSIUS,ZDAR je kiff.......... JEANCEDRIC(electronic pirates) FREAK and CHIC(all of them), ivan smagghe, laurent garnier,closer music,get physical, booka shade,dj wild,carl craig,luciano,jamie jones, ricardo villalobos,daft punk,misterC,Sven Vath, mylo,ficherspooner,madona,babyshambels, SKIN,DIRTHY PRETTY THINGS,timo maas,locodice, steeve bug,mandy,misterT,danny tenaglia,carl cox, tiesto,too many djs,fatboy slim,Alfredo,dinki,junior sanchez...


it's all gone pete tong, les autres, la vie est belle, telma et louise , pretty woman, j'aime NICOLE KIDMAN dans MOULIN ROUGE . SCARFACE, SHINNING, CHARLIE CHAPLIN COLLECTION...., STANLEY KUBRICK , DAVID LINCHl'illusioniste, l'histoire sans fin.




j'ai lu la bible..........et c'est deja pas mal...........

My Blog

Check out this video: Manumission

Posted By:JulianaGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by Fabiola on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 05:16:00 PST


freedom from slavery miracles happen.................................
Posted by Fabiola on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 03:50:00 PST

clan princess

on me dit que nos vie ne valent pas grand chose,qu'elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses on me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud,que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux on m...
Posted by Fabiola on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 03:15:00 PST