My name is Bradlee aka Birdman or B-rad. I am a pretty chill, down to earth guy who enjoys candlelit dinners and long romantic walks on the beach... hahahah seriously though... In High School I was what I like to call a nerdy jock. You don't see many of those around. I played a lot of basketball in my days and that is pretty much what I was known for. Nowadays I go to Cal Poly SLO and am studying for an Electrical Engineering BS, and i'm not so much of a jock anymore but still ball it up every once in awhile. I enjoy making everyone laugh even if that means me being a dumbass. I also enjoy chillin wit da homies in San Ho, SLO, and Boise, ID. If you wanna chat hit me up on AIM @ caprieve3115.
Lastly, something not really about me but something I try to live by...
You create your own reality, absolutely. There are no exceptions. There is no such thing as coincidence. There are no such things as accidents. At some level, you create it all.
Until you can come into this knowing, you are stuck being one of lifes victims. As long as you are a victim of fate, of karma, of circumstance, of random chaos, you are powerless. From the moment when you can stand up and say, I am responsible. I have created all of this absolutely, you are standing in a place of power and in a place of choice.