I'm just here for the craic! profile picture

I'm just here for the craic!

I am here for Friends

About Me

There's not much to tell about myself. I work, go to church, spend time with my family. You know the usual stuff. Some would say that butter wouldn't melt in my mouth!! Other than that, you'll have to get to know me to find out if there is more to me or not.

My Interests

Life is like a river. It twists and turns, eroding the ground creating new pathways. These twists and turns take you to new and sometimes the strangest places you could ever imagine going. However, these places may have the best views of all.Sometimes like a river, life is a raging torrent and other times it's a slow meandering stream. Come what may, life is never the same it's always changing. You've got to be ready and willing to see what's around the next bend.Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™


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Flying over Ireland

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MySpace Comments
Your Observation Skills Get A C+
You tend to notice the big things in life...
But the details aren't exactly your forte How Observant Are You?
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?
You Are a Realist
You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.
You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...
But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.
You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?Reading, my dream job would be working in a library - ok, not really but it's a thought. I also enjoy camping, canoeing, gardening, spending time with my family. Actually, I like a lot of things but this is all I can think of right now.

I'd like to meet:

No one I can think of. But I'll let you know if I think of someone.



I am a HUGE Pink Floyd and Alan Parson's Project fan. I like almost any kind of music EXCEPT for country.


I prefer comedies. I like to laugh. Everybody needs humor in their lives. Life is way to serious to not have some fun!!


I don't watch to much TV. But I do like Monk, Law and Order: SVU, and CSI


Lately I've been reading the classics. I do read a lot of biographies. My favorite books are the Poldark series by Winston Graham (a must read). The Poldark series has it all: adventure, love triangles, mystery, class struggles, smuggling, dualing, and ship wrecks.


My daughter Jenny. She has been dealt several life changing illnesses. Through it all, her faith has remained strong. I'm not sure that I would be able to handle it so gracefully.

My Blog

Employee Evaluations

These comments and descriptions have been taken from actual employee evaluations.  However, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.   Since my last report, this employee has rea...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 01:12:00 PST

It was so wet that...

The Des Moines Register is running a contest. Complete the following sentence and you win something. They ran the same contest during the 1993 flood. They also ran a series of little contests e.g. I s...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 07:39:00 PST

Asylum for the Verbally Insane

We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.You may find a l...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:30:00 PST

Ark Building 101 and The Flood ’93

Rain rain go away, come again some other day.  It's been raining here if not every day then just about every day.  The month-to-date- rainfall total for Des Moines near my home is 5.49" whic...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 08:49:00 PST

Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti

I read the following article on some website but can't remember where so I can't give credit where it's due.  The article was written by a husband and wife so the point of view of how men and wom...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Sun, 25 May 2008 03:45:00 PST

Real Life Bambi and Thumper

These pictures weren't staged. The fawn's mother was killed shortly before it's birth and the fawn was then raised in a rural town with help from townspeople.  The wild rabbit showed up one day. ...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:28:00 PST

This is for all mothers (and fathers who have to fill the mother role)

This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf, laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's okay honey, Mommy's here." Who h...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Sat, 10 May 2008 07:50:00 PST

Irish Blessing

 Irish Blessing   I wish you not a path devoid of clouds, Nor a life on a bed of roses,Not that you might never need regret, Nor that you should never feel pain. No, that is not my wis...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Fri, 09 May 2008 03:45:00 PST

Understanding Men

It's a guy thing Translation:  There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you have no chance at all of making it logical. Can I help with dinner? Translation:  Why isn't ...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:41:00 PST

Peanuts Philosophy

You don't actually have to take the quiz. Just read this straight through, and you'll get the point (an awesome one) that it is trying to make! Take this quiz: 1. Name the five wealthiest people in ...
Posted by I'm just here for the craic! on Tue, 06 May 2008 03:43:00 PST