Mike profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey i'm 18 and I graduated from Mount. I play hockey, soccer, golf, and run track. Basically jus like hangin out with friends and listening to music. I'm a freshman at Northeastern majoring in pharmacy. Fun stuff

My Interests

hockey, soccer, track, golf, red sox, pats, NHL, Sidney Crosby, chillin with friends, playin sax, listenin to music

I'd like to meet:



Phish, Dave Matthews Band, Radiohead, Coldplay, Dispatch, the Shins, Blues Traveler, Gruvis Malt, Zox, red hot chili peppers, Incubus, Sublime, the killers, 311, howie day, john mayer, jack johnson, david gray, damien rice, U2, modest mouse, muse, carbon leaf, los lonely boys, Weezer, the postal service, kaiser chiefs, led zeppelin, the who, Grateful Dead, the beatles, the Rolling Stones, the police, csn(y), pink floyd, Bruce Springsteen, steely dan, allman brothers, j.geils band, Boston, Chicago, steve miller band, bob marley, ziggy marley, blind melon, the doors, the cars, the eagles, stevie ray vaughan, hendrix, tower of power, tom petty, neil young, NERD, Outkast, black eyed peas, lauryn hill, mos def, common, the roots, kanye west, talib kweli, atmosphere, the mars volta, underwood... still addin more as i think of them. If it's good i'll give it a listen


Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Slapshot, The Mighty Ducks, Caddyshack, Garden State, Swingers, Closer, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Minority Report, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Saving Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers, Forrest Gump, The Goonies, American Beauty, Boondock Saints, Reservoir Dogs, Blackhawk Down, Goodfellas


24 (best show on tv), scrubs, the contender, the daily show, late night with Conan, Sportscenter, OC, desperate housewives, Grey's Anatomy, law and order, austin city limits


1984, The Cobra Event, In the Lake of the Woods, Great Gatsby, No Exit, Catcher in the Rye, Dubliners, Cat's Cradle


Wayne Gretzky, Martin St. Louis, Peter Forsberg, Joe Sakic, Sidney Crosby, Tie Domi, Dave Matthews, Trey Anastasio, Thom Yorke, Chris Martin, Charlie Parker, Bono