Wombat Wombat: School commitments permitting, this trio has the potential to be huge. Discover their rhythmic girl/boy/girl, punktastic, youthful exuberance now.
The Fly: Norwich three-piece The Lidi Berlins haven't long formed, yet their brand of skiffle-punk is already getting ears wagging. Not bad for a bunch of school kids. Singer and guitarist Lucy Berlin snarls lyrics about training bras and haunted houses with a beautifully distinctive voice, set against a backdrop of pounding drums and trashy guitars that leaves the listener charmed. This band are going to be huge! Check them out at myspace.com/thelidiberlins.
Planet Beet: Teenage, twee, c-86-ish skiffle-pop, in the vein of Heavenly & Talulah Gosh. Though this school-going band are far too young to have heard those bands.
Evening News: The Lidi Berlins have been a blast of fresh air on the local scene, thanks to their skiffle-infested, rhythmic girl/boy/girl, punktastic indie pop that is fronted by one of the most distinctive female voices in the region.
You can email us at [email protected] or phone me (alex) on 07892 850 348.
High quality, full tracks
The Lidi Berlins
Song In D Major
Requires WMP 10 or higher, available here.