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About Me

Im british and german. No i dont bodybuild. I never have. Alls i do is lift for fun and to get faster for a summer track and field club called Stryders International that im in...Im now fully convinced that women are put on earth just to mess with me. No wonder there's so many divorces in this country. And no wonder women in this country tell everyone that they have more guy friends. USA women bloww. None of you are even approachable either online or in person.. In Europe its considered custom for a guy to flirt.. Women expect it. They blush. They giggle. They like it.. Over here if you try to flirt with a female your automatically labeled as a creep, transgressor, loser, stalker. Women basically just live in fear their whole lives in the USA. ---------- ----------European women have bodies about a million times hotter then the average american female. Your all over weight. Now 60 percent of american people are overweight. And thats a fact!!!!!!!!!!! Look it up! Because all of you just want to go out and drink. Look. You didnt invent alcohol. Stop showing pictures of you holding a cup in your hand. Wow you drink? Congratulations? Do you want a cookie?? Wow you can get yourself messed up.. Do you really think anyone else cares what you do to yourself? No we dont! Were all just sitting here lookin at your pics of you getting drunk and fat and thinking what a loser!! Nothing is more unattractive then seeing big bloated looking arms and skinny legs. Alcohol prohibits protein synthesis as well as decreases your metabolism by over 30 percent. Even when you only drink once a week too. To put that in terms that your little mind can understand. It means that it breaks down your muscle fibers. Makes you look flabby and loose. Makes your skin tone dull. Makes you lose overall muscle tone. It basically makes you bloated looking. Especially in your arms , face , and legs.. Alcohol is a poison. Thats what it is...Once a week will do this too.. And dont tell me that you only drink liquor not beer. Because all forms of alcohol do this. It doesnt matter if its wine, beer, or liquor... So keep on drinking and keep on making yourself weaker and weaker.. Your just making European women that much better looking when i browse them on myspace. WHY DO YOU THINK THE MAJORITY OF MODELING JOBS GO TO WOMEN IN COUNTRIES LIKE HUNGARY AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC?? Its because nobody is going to pay for crap material... We want high quality models!!!!!!! We do not want crap!!!! Nobody wants out of shape drugged induced american models!! American women think they can compete with the european women for these jobs.. But they are being handed over to euro women at a ratio of 20 to 1!!!!! None of you care to workout. I see only old people at the gyms. All of you think your in shape already. *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** All of you hate your own gender and cant even relate to each other. So how are you going to relate to men then??????? Your all the same too. You all think from the same source of crap. I feel like im talking to the same women over and over and over when i speak to any of you. You all ask the same question. QuestionS like " oh how do i know you" or " who are you" or " have we met?" I mean if all of you are really meeting this many guys that you cant remember if you met someone or not then thats messed up. Stop acting like men are knocking on the front door of your house when we send you a message here. Its a social networking site. Anyone can message anyone. If you want to talk then fine! If you dont then, great! If anyone thinks anything diff of you then you know they are lying to you. None of you are worthy of dating! None of you are mentally fit to date. Your all mentally ill. Your all sick in the head. Its the music you all listen to. Alls it does is teaches you to pump up your ego. But the thing is an ego is not meant for a female. The wardrobe doesn't fit you when you try on the ego. So then you all walk around with your new found inflated self esteem. Which is narcissism to start with. And only i can have narcissism. Because i am the creator of narcissism and ego. I know the inner workings of it all. You dont. So stop trying to act hard. Because your not. And first off if you want anything to bow down to you. Then first you must bow down to it!!.. It works both ways! But none of you are smart enough to understand that concept...And you all think you can compete with a males ego but you cant. You all expect us to just bow down and worship you. But you have the roles backwards. You dont have something called testosterone or balls. But the more you try to compete the more manly you sound. I wouldnt be surprised if some of you starting growing back hair. No wonder a good portion of USA women are lesbianss. You all act like your a guy. Stop trying to compete with the male ego. You will never win. You hate men with an ego, because you are searching for that rich little band geek who started up a company on his own and is making millions so that you can just move in and take advantage of his wealth. A good example of this would be that little geek zuckerburgh who started up facebook. None of you want real men. You are all looking for a male that you can walk around on a leash like a little dog. A male with an ego is a threat to your well being. So you fight back against it in an attempt to conquer it. But you cant defeat what created you. You are in a losing battle from the start. Men don't want a female that has an ego anyways! Men want humble, innocent, and sweet women. Because thats what being feminine is. Thats what men are attractive to. We want women. Anything less then that and your mind is starting to take on a male persona. This is why European women rule and are superior over American women. They even look 10 times more feminine then the average american female. If men wanted to find an ego in someone then they would date guys. Your all pathetic and worthless. Men arent creeps. Get that straight. Women are the creeps. You all play games. Your all decieving. You all act like something that your not. Your not even truthful to yourselfs. You all put up that nice person front. And then the next day you completely turn into a psycho. I mean i feel bad for you all really. I didnt know a creation on earth could be so messed up in the head...It must suck to be a female. You all should be mental patients and on medication. And believe me. Most of you are. This country is full of female mental patients. Because apparently none of you can function in society. When all of you women want to join in on the human race and join in on humanity make sure that you let us know ok?----------------- ---------------- All of you , and im talking all of you. Because im sick of the women that say they are different from the rest of them. ALL OF YOU walk around on earth like men owe you something. But you know what? We dont owe u shtt!!!!!!!!!!!! If anything you owe us!!! You all say to yourself in your head."" What is this guy going to do for me. What is he going to get me. What do i get today? And when do i get it"" The thought of what you could do for a guy never even enters your head. Because that doesnt exist to you. You think everyone is suppose to just give you something. Thats why when you all meet someone the first few questions you ask the guy is what do you do for work? Where did you go to school? And you know why you ask that? Because your mindset is in the phase of what can you get from that guy. .....Who cares what he does for work. You just met him! I mean what it all comes down to is very simple. All women suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. Oh and on a side note. Women have never invented anything major in the history of the world. Men invented the light bulb, electricity, the engine, buildings, boats, cars, planes, etc. Like i said before. If you get a chance to get off your abortion lunch breaks,, JOIN IN ON HUMANITY!!!!!
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