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WHY IM PRAISING THE LORDWhy I'm Praising The Lord People think I'm crazy when I'm dancing and praising the Lord But when I dance and stump my feet I picture satan on the floor I start shouting and praising my Lord Jesus Christ Thinking of his goodness and how he's changed my lifeI praise the Lord when I'm down and even when I'm broke Because He has giving me joy and he's giving me new hopeI'm filled with the Holy Ghost and excited in the Lord I give God all my battles because he never loses a warWhen I can't hold on and I just can't see The Lord says hold on and he'll hold me I give God the glory and thank him everyday Because of him I'm alive and I'm still here todayI'm not crying tears of sorrow, but tears of joy Knowing God's on my side and he is winning this warThe devil trys to attack and he thinks he's going to win But, I rebuke him in the name of Jesus and he just can't come inSee, you don't know like I know what the Lord has done for me If you knew you'll be right by my side praising he set me freeSo lets praise the Lord Jesus as we beleive in faith that no matter the situation the Lord Jesus will lift the weight ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- A Sinner Like Me Pushing this flesh into alignment, guided by The Word most holy and pure, I'm striving to learn principles for a sanctified life to endure. My Lord loves me without hesitation and allowed a part of Himself to die. He's calling me homeward without reservation; by His Spirit, to His side, I'll eventually fly.Knowing I'm a child of His, during trying times I find true encouragement. I'm able to lean on His strength while in search of heavenly ascent.Stumbling forward with pained progress, I've chosen to turn myself towards Thee. On Your path, lit by spiritual Light, I'm hoping... That You will still forgive... a sinner like me.


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The Most Unique Person Jesus Christ is often compared to other prophets and teachers, but He is the most unique person to ever live. Everything from His birth to after His death was miraculous and set Him apart from everyone else. Jesus was born by a virgin -- a natural impossibility. Before His mother Mary was married, she was told by an angel she would give birth to the Son of God. When she asked him how this could be, he answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God." Just as promised, the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, the most incredible person to ever have lived.An Amazing Life Jesus' life was just as amazing as His birth. At 30 years old, He went out into the cities of Israel and began teaching and healing people. The Bible records that He was different from other preachers, for "the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes." Likewise, there was no disease too great for His power. It says, "They brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments. and He healed them." Threatened by His fame and authority, the political and religious authorities conspired to kill Him.A Sudden Death His death had been predicted over a thousand years before. The prophet Isaiah wrote of Jesus, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed." Jesus would pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life. Just as had been predicted, Jesus was given the most brutal death sentence of that day for maintaining that He was the Son of God. While hanging on a wooden cross with spikes through His hands and feet, He prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Jesus had power to come down from the cross, but He chose to sacrifice His life for others.The Promise is for You Just as promised, God raised His Son Jesus back to life -- eternal life -- on the third day after His burial. He was seen by His closest friends and over 500 of His followers before He went up into heaven before their very eyes. After His resurrection, his close friend Peter told a great crowd to repent from their sins and believe in Jesus Christ to be saved, "for the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call." This promise is for you! There are many religions and prophets, but no one but Jesus Christ offers complete forgiveness from your sins and eternal life with God. He has already died for your sins; now you must put your faith in Him. "For if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." If you believe in Jesus, you can pray a prayer like this right now and receive the gift of eternal life.Receive Him Now "Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Thank you for coming to Earth and dying so that I could have eternal life. Please forgive all my sins. I am going to follow You with my life now. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and direct my steps. In Jesus' name, Amen."Did you pray this prayer?my song i made up NO GOOD you know you'll never see me with him cause you already know hes no good no good he is wrong he believes his friends over me he is so wrong he is no good no good you already know i don't haft to worry about him cause i found somebody new he lost me lost me cause i fell in love with somebody new this person loves me and dosent care what i look like he loves me loves me more then you know he believes me over every body els the person who lost me is no good no good you already know hes no good no good


1. God Loves You! The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"The problem is that . . .2. All of us have done, said or thought things that are wrong. This is called sin, and our sins have separated us from God. The Bible says “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” God is perfect and holy, and our sins separate us from God forever. The Bible says “The wages of sin is death.”The good news is that, about 2,000 years ago,3. God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. “God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father. He offers us the gift of eternal life -- of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name." You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your Lord and Savior.4. If you want to accept Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by praying a prayer like this: "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always."Did you pray this prayer?

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HEAVENLY FATHER HOLY GHOST JESUS CHRISTIm very caring. I live in Missouri.I don't like bulleys.I like to make new friends. Making new friends is very exciting to me. I am a very talkative person.ALSO I GOT BAPTIZED BY THE HOLY SPRITE IT WAS AMAZING IT FELT GREAT LOVE YENS KISSES GOD BLESS AND JUSUS LOVES U AND WE SERVE A ALSO ME GOD

My Blog

God sets you FREE

Posted by PEEK-A-BOO on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:20:00 PST

Jimmy Hendricks Biography

Biography Early life Main article: Early life of Jimi Hendrix Johnny Allen Hendrix (later re-named James Marshall Hendrix) was born on November 27, 1942 in Seattle, Washington. Hendrix's parents di...
Posted by PEEK-A-BOO on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:40:00 PST


JIMMY HENDRICKSDied 1970, aged 27        I wish not to be alone,        So I must respect my other heart.    &...
Posted by PEEK-A-BOO on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:23:00 PST

more about me

MORE ABOUT ME     i do not like cheaters and i do not like kids that  use other kids and the reason that i so not like cheaters is becase i been treated that way mety of times...
Posted by PEEK-A-BOO on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 05:25:00 PST