Fairly down to earth in that mad scientist/GIR/silly artist way. Friendly, funny, responsible, yet at times prefer to be the reticent people watcher acutely aware of the brevity of life. My life is in a state of transition, hovering between jobs, grad school, banging on a piano, refinishing hardwood floors and cooking chicken tikka masala. I like people. I have no planets in earth signs. My polyhedral dice are color-coordinated. RIP Transmedia pufferfish - my dear snaggle-toothed friend, the world is emptier without your tail-swish. Thank you to the National Optical Astronomy Observatory/Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy/National Science Foundation for this beautiful background pic of the Carina Nebula.>
Which Tim Burton character are you?
Lydia Deitz
LOL! Imagine that. I am amused.
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