I enjoy not working and laughing at and with people. I also like to eat at all times possible. I love to have fun!!
water parks, food love, i like sushi now because of ben, green frogs, french fries everywhere, baby animals, dinosaurs and tigers, granny panties, white rice, dollar menus, cute shoes, dresses, scrabble blast, sleeping, nothing, something, super mario brothers, scary movies, boating, beer, spending time with quality people, singing all songs, jager, weird ass people, sunny and cool, blahblahblah
"my clit was livid."
jimmy eat world and everything else, for reals
Cinderella, The Shawshank Redemption, Psycho, Spun, Pan's Labyrinth, The Last Kiss, Friday the 13th... more more more
AandE, HGTV, TLC, Bravo, Food Network, Discovery... my favorites!
I read minds