i love to do meny sportie things within friends just for fun. i enjoy playing soccer, and i also like to work out! i love dane cook!!! mi patito!!! i ♥ rubber duckies!! =} 2007 dodge ram 1500
GEORGE CLOONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like all kinds of music!! but mainly spaish altrnativ, spanish rock, alternative rock, and Paisa stuff!! and defenetly Grupo Intocable!!! uuu and Panda I LOVE THEM!!!!
i like all kinds of movies especialy horror!! and romance! and commedy... well i prity much like all kinds of movies!!i cant say that i have a favorite movie because i can basicly watch watever!!!
i dont usaly watch TV, ok who am i kiddind I LOVE TV! i like That 70's Show, Fill of the Future, The Simpsons, Family guy, American Dad....(and so much more)(belive me much much more!!)
i dont read that oftem but i do like sifi stuff and all that crazy shiat!!
my heroe is Jesus my mommie mi PAPITO!! and George Clooney