New things, big things on my website! Have you checked it out lately?No no, I'm not running NPR...yet, but you can now HEAR with a bunch of new podcasts. Click on the picture to link to the new podcasts page where you can hear from the nationally- and internationally known.Click on the photo above of reggae recording artist, Queen Ifrica (pictured here in the foreground) to hear a sample of an interview with her. Hear the rest of it at Click on the photo above to listen to audio from activist, Reverend, and past presidential candidate, Al Sharpton,who discusses matters from healthcare reform and racial disparities, to missed opportunities by the Republican presidential candidates.Look closely, on the mini-calendar above, and you'll see me on it.Listen to Batanga Salsa Radio
Listen to Batanga Reggaeton Radio
And this is only Part I from my new reporter, Marco McWilliams. Click here to view all of his three-part filmed interview and tour.)
Rhode 2 Africa Video
Did you experience Rhode to Africa? The music, the conversations, the community? From the Interview Series to the Cape Verdean Jazz Reception, celebrate it all one more time: The Rhode 2 Africa Video by Executive Producers Reza Clifton and Corey Taylor.