Events specially funerals, rare flowers in Dangwa, Wednesdays, Bac Day!, capturing unforgetable moments, videoke (bossa lng kya ng powers ko!!), T-Pain Bartender!!now cyclone!!! whroeing!!whroeing!!whroeing! working out??!! (lately), shopping for cutie shorts, shoes and headsbands!! waheheh, spa treatments, baby lotions, Nescafe's 3-in 1 coffee, Starbuck's Classic Hot Choco!! love it!, Green Tea, Jaffa's apple juice!, fresh fruits, desserts!!! Pupung's liempo, Laing, DJ Mix, my ipod, car polish, cheap finds! tiangges, meeting old and new friends, malling with JJ, talking, laughing, making someone happy, sharing my blessings, eat out/food trip, cooking for lola =)
Everyone!!! =b
just add me! [email protected]
..soothing sexy bossa.