Born and still living in Bitola, Macedonia. Student at the faculty of traffic engineering, section air-traffic, stuck there because of my ocupation with the sound. I started to produce some sounds on my computer While listening sounds from nature.It is impossible to syntesize nature sounds so that is why, i sometimes use devices to copy "wind on trees", birds in "conversation", river stone "society", urban jungle snapshots etc. I record sounds with cheap gear, with lo-fi devices like: digital camera, old mobiles etc. trying to extract from samples something we can't hear, analyze them and later use them in composing - using "nature modulation" in making electronic music. Actually im trying to make some sort of analogy between the sound in nature and the computer synthesized sound.
"...You were speaking of the meaning...
of our... Life...
of the unselfishness of art...
Take music, for instance.
Less than anything else,
it is connected to reality,
or if connected at all, it's done
mechanically, not by way of ideas,
just by a sheer sound, devoid of...
any associations.
And yet, music, as if by some miracle,
gets through to our heart.
What is it that resonates in us in
response to noise brought to harmony,
making it the source
of the greatest delight..."
("Stalker" 1979 A.Tarkovsky)