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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It's me: unorthodox, creatively, curiously - sometimes a little bit crazy, but always down to earth. I'm living in Bielefeld (for family, friends and to work) and in Berlin (for friends too, party and much more) :-)

If you contact me or add me as your friend, you must have an profile with your own (NO FAKES! - NO FANTASY!) face and body pics.... It's not fair when you get to see my pics and I dont get to see yours.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My mind, body and spirit are strong. • I take time each day to rejuvenate and recharge. • I draw a deep well of peace and calm. • I breathe in strength and release my fears. • I go after my heart's deep desires. • I can accomplish anything. • All of my dreams are coming true. • I focus on my goal and have the strength to make it happen. • I choose to be unstoppable. • I am strong. • I act in spite of my fears. • I am bigger than my concerns and worries. • I go for it with gusto! • I can do anything I put my mind to. • Each day I am getting stronger. • I take great care of myself. • The strength of others inspires me daily. • I trust my intutition and live a courageous life.

4 ways to create a beautiful today!

1. Remember that your day isn’t happening to you, you’re happening to your day. You will create your day by the choices you make - whether it’s the choices of things to do, choices of things not to do, or the choices of you how you react to the situations that you’ve created in your life.

2. The outcomes that you produce today are simply results. Results are neither bad nor good until we apply our judgments. “Failure” and “success” are words of judgment. Today, you will only produce results - and you can grow, learn and develop from whatever results you produce.

3. Breath. Take time to enjoy your day. Remember, you do have time! There is nothing you have to do today (except breath and process normal bodily functions). If you need to, prioritize your free time. Watch the birds. Spend time in nature.

4. Do something different. Break free from your routine by stepping into the unknown. Try a different restaurant. Walk through a new park. Take a different route to work. When we add uncertainty and change into our life, we allow for growth.

So go for it! You are an artist staring at a blank canvas, brush in hand. Create something beautiful, my friend.

My Blog

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