dancing and dancing and dancing!!!!surfing...dreaming...clothes, shoes, and my favorite of all,,,the linegries....
a big big big YOU!!!! and of course one day, like you, who wants to meet after death...no one else but the MAN ABOVE..
r&b....pop....sweet romantic song.....
oF CouRse sWeeT RomanTic MoviEs.....'Coz iM sWeeT anD roMaNtic!!!!!:::
rEaliTy Tv., LizZy mGgUire, ripLeys, disCovEry chAnNell, and cartoon carTooNs!!!! and a lot more...since every season theres always a new trend....
anything aS loNg aS there aRe pIczZzZzZ!!!
uP aNd aBoVe!!!