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About Me

Many will comment that I'm crazy, manic, loud, and dorky. I guess if I were to sum up all of my interests, passions, and personality, I'd have to agree. I'm rather outgoing and am always up for an adventure. Those who have yet to know and "trust" me will say I'm a crazy driver, but don't hate a girl who can handle her speed and know the corners of her car. I've been told that I'm too independent, but my independence is a curse upon me in which I've come to enjoy as one of my personal qualities. I started this thing for the same reason I've joined everything else on the internet - PURE PEER PRESSURE. I suppose it's a nice venue to catch up and see how people I've met in the past are now, so if I look toss a hello!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've been quite blessed to have met some of the most amazing people in the world. I've had the ability to acknowledge the true meaning of friendship, and through the trials of my life, I've come to know who these individuals are. I know that they are the ones who will be there for me unconditionally, and I love them to death. I think that the world we live in is filled with frivolous issues and stresses, and as my day is usually busy beyond belief, I tend to stray away from drama. I love meeting new people as it brings in so many different perspectives and opinions and as anyone on my list of friends can tell you, I'm quite sociable and that I enjoy a if you're drama free and you can talk, we'll get along just fine.