You....providing you aren't a crazy stalker who likes to eat people with ketchup. And David Bowie of course.
The Sword of Truth Series, by Terry Goodkind, Wheel of Time Series, by Robert Jordan, you gotta at least read the first one of each of those.
I read a lot of Anne Rice books, but the only one I recommend is The Vampire Lestat.
Harry Potter is a fun read when I need something simple.
I like teen romances about vampires, the best one ever is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.
The Belgariad and Mallorian are also fun simple reads by David Eddings.
Of course I have read the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit by Tolkien, ummm who hasn't?
I force myself to read all of those 'classics' just so I can get allusions and seem smart, so far I have enjoyed Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Prisig and I have read Jane Eyre about a million times.
I try to read 24 books a year so I can filter through the crap and recommend the best. *smile*