Hey guys! We've set this up so that all us 'straight' PR students have got a....well.... notice board if you like!If you have any comments..good, or bad then let us know! U can either leave a comment for everyone to see, or if you would prefer some privacy send it as a message.Alternatively, if you would like to email us at
[email protected] feel free and we'll get back to you asap!Of course, all this techno stuff doesn't mean you can't come and chat the good ol' fashion way! Hail us down when ever!If your unsure of what we look like have a look at the pics!Ok, so this is a new idea, but as the year goes on, we'll add more things to this space.So that you can find out what actually goes on in all those exciting meetings we attend, check out the blog space for any updates!Right, think that's it at this stage...for now anyway!